Hajdú-Bihar county

Álmosd Kölcsey-Country house
Ártánd Hodossy-Mansion Ártánd Platthy-Country house
Balmazújváros Semsey kastély
Bakonszeg Bessenyei-Country house
Bakonszeg Nadányi-Miskolczy-Country house
Esztár Erdődy-Szunyogh-Country house
Füstpuszta (Nagyrábé) Füsti-Mansion
Hosszúpályi Zichy-Mansion
Komádi-Dobaipuszta Vécsey-Mansion
Létavértes Lédig-kúria Létavértes Mendel-kúria Létavértes Móricz-Mansion
Nagykereki Bocskai-Mansion
Nagyrábé Des Echerolles-Mansion
Nyírábrány Eördögh-Mansion
Nyíracsád Vécsey-Country house
Szerep Kornis-Mansion
Téglás Degenfeld-Mansion
Tépe Préposti-Mansion
Tetétlen Zichy-Mansion
Tiszacsege Nagymajori Mansion Vay-Mansion
Zsáka Rhédey-Mansion


Kölcsey-Country house
Kölcsey kúria
  • Álmosd, Kölcsey Street 11/a.
  • Kölcsey -Country house
  • Tel:52/388-078deri@derimuz.hu
  • Open: With cheque-in can be visited.
  • GPS: 47.415254 / 21.979552
  • ENG/hajdu
  • szatmarilegendak.hu
  • Map
  • Balmazújváros Debreceni Street 2
  • Semsey Mansion
  • Community center
  • Tel:
  • GPS: 47.612210, 21.344434
  • Map
The structure on display, close to the town’s main square, is known as Semsey Castle. It is one of the finest examples of classicist architecture to be found in Hungary today. The Castle’s name comes from the noble Semsey family who held title to the rich agricultural land surrounding the town for generations on end. Semsey castle just had a grand reopening on December 5th. On display were the fruits of a two year refurbishment project funded by the European Union to promote the rich cultural heritage of Balmazujvaros. One look at the eye popping yellow exterior was enough to magnetically focus the gaze. At first glance, the exterior seemed almost too blindingly bright, that was until I viewed photos of the kastely prior to the refurbishment.  Before (see above photo) there was only a drab, decaying façade, the product of decades long neglect by the communist state. Now (see next photo) the façade emanates a revelatory brightness, a ray of structural sunlight perpetually shining at the heart of this small city.
Semsey Family Tree Painting
The interior is not to be outdone either. Each exhibit room is furnished with richly upholstered ottomans that visitors can use to rest while pondering the displays concerning the town’s local history (a number of famous Hungarian writers were from here), as well as the cultural wares and traditions of the area’s people. These included exhibits on the gulyas (Hungarian cowboys), who had spent the past several centuries roaming the nearby, vast landscape of the Hortobagy, an area which is today protected as both a National Park and UNESCO World Heritage Site. Even with the displays only in Hungarian, the archival photos and original artifacts visually communicated the wealth of tradition that this otherworldly landscape of sky and horizon surrounding Balmazujvaros has bequeathed upon its inhabitants.
A New Reality
On a personal note, perhaps the most engaging exhibit for me was a singular painting of the Semsey family tree. Starting just above the base of the tree’s trunk were a series of blossoms representing a succession of generations, the first of which began over 750 years ago, in the middle of the 13th century. Before my eyes was the visual realization of a family which had inhabited this land from the Dark Ages up through modern times. The painting provided an artistic representation of the venerability of Hungarian existence in the Carpathian Basin.
A visit to the Semely Kastely is more than just a way to reconnect with the opulence and elegance so integral to the life of the great estates and landed gentry. It is also a way to redefine what a castle actually means. It is a well spring of culture, tradition, and the arts. The Semely Kastely stands as both part of a grand architectural tradition and outside of it. It helps redefine the concept of a castle, presenting the visitor with a new idea, a new reality, much more vibrant than anything that could have been imagined.
( Pozsonyi-Wilkinson)

Lédig-Country House
 Lédig kúria


Bocskai kastély
The Bocskai Castle, the former manor of the Prince of Transylvania, can
be found in Nagykereki, and it displays a collection of arms from the
16th century and an exhibition focusing on the history of the 17th century wars of liberation.

Füsti kastély
  • Nagyrábé Füstpuszta
  •  Füsti Mansion
  • Private Property : Nagyrábé Huntingclub, Papp Imre (Bakonszeg, Dózsa Gy. Street 23) Tel: 30/329-8047
  •  GPS: 47°11'18"N 21°22'41"E
  • 1hungary.com/info/nagyrabe/
  • Map

Des Echerolles-Mansion
 Des Echerolles-kastély
  • Nagyrábé Rétszentmiklósi Street 7.
  • Des Echerolles Mansion
  • Cannot be visited
  • Propety: Rábé-Porta Kft.
  • Nagyrábé Polghiv
  • GPS: 47.204132 / 21.330051
  • 1hungary.com/info/nagyrabe/
  • Map



  • Szerep (Hosszúhát) Jókai Road 11.
  • Kornis-Mansion
  • Tel.: +36-54-516-002
  • Psychiatric Home
  •  GPS: 47° 13' 35.54", 21° 08' 32.10"
  • en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Szerep
  • Map

 Préposti kastély
  • 4132 Tépe  Bajcsy-Zsilinszky Street 18.
  • Préposti Mansion
  • Tel.: +36-54-412-018
  • Psychiatric Home
  • Cannot be visited
  • GPS: 47.3167141 / 21.5712416
  • en.wikipedia.org/T
  • Map


The Rhédey Castle in Zsáka hosts the exhibitions of the famous painter, Gyula Madarász and the participants of the International Artists' and Icon Painters' Colony, but visitors may also enter the Rhédey-Wesselényi-Bethlen room, furnished with period furniture.


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